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Switchin mmo

Bem-vindos pra quem quiser umas senhas vai ai nome:Junior senha:123456   nome:anjinho  senha:123456  nome:renanzinho senha:123456789  nome: Gata_policial senha:bruxas  nome:gugu.gato senha:rafinhagato  nome:princesa-camila senha:123456 nomejeversonxD senha:123456                                                                      

Become a Fan of Switchin on Facebook and New Clothes Are In

We have a Facebook Fan page and in addition to having Twitter contests we will eventually have Facebook contests to give away free coins! Become a fan today to be eligible to win! We have added tons of new clothes this week and some new clothes will be added soon so keep coming back to SwitchIn.net

Sept 17, 2009

Follow SwitchIn MMO on Twitter today and win gold coins! Multi-rooms coming soon!


We are trying out Twitter as a way to stay more in t ouch with our users and receive comments and suggestions about how to make our game better. As a reward we will do weekly draws to give away free gold coins! Please sign up and follow us on Twitter if you want to help improve SwitchIn! We are halfway done through making multi-rooms for SwitchIn, you will be able to have unlimited rooms and there will be a lot more rooms coming. You will also be able to name your rooms and assign them into categories. Stay tuned we have a lot more in store for SwitchIn MMO.

Sept 2, 2009

SwitchIn is not accepting Moderator Applications at this time


Thanks for everyone that applied. We are done with accepting applications at this date for USA/UK/Canadian moderators.. The only exception is we are still looking for French, German, Portugese, and Polish moderators. If you are interested please send an email to support [at] switchin.net.

August 25, 2009

SwitchIn is now accepting Moderator Applications

Are you interested in helping SwitchIn keep the game fun for everyone? We are now accepting moderator positions to help make sure all the rules of SwitchIn are followed by all our users. If you play SwitchIn a lot and want to help make the game fun for everyone, why not apply today? You can keep your existing account and if you are accepted as a moderator you will be able to suspend misbehaving players from the game. Make sure to fill out the form out entirely and follow the instructors on the application page.


We will also be releasing a lot more clothes, hairstyles and accessories in the next little while so stay tuned and come back often!

July 16, 2009

Switchin Coins Are Now Switchin Gold Coins

We are in stage 1 of our big update to Switchin, and the first thing we have to announce is Switchin Gold Coins are the new currency to buy furniture, pets, and items in the game. Switchin Gold coins have been converted from your existing coins as a reward for being loyal players of Switchin. Gold Coins are worth real money! You will soon be able to buy Gold Coins via Paypal, Super Rewards and other options. This is an important step for Switchin as we are trying to make this the best game possible. The next update will be brand new furniture coming very soon!

July 7, 2009

Big update coming for Switchin MMO

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates recently but we have been hard at work on making Switchin MMO even better. We hope you enjoyed the new room editor features we did as we have a big update coming soon in the next week or two. Over 100 new furniture items will be available for purchase as well as some brand new features. Please stay tuned as we continue to work on Switchin. Dragons MMO will be on hold until we can finish the new updates to Switchin which be worth the wait though!

April 17, 2009

Pets are in the game! New Room Editor online!

Pets are in the game! As well Switchin.net has been at very hard work to make the room editing mode more fun. Now you can buy and move each piece of furniture seperately just like Habbo Hotel. When you are your room and click the house icon you can go to the "Room Edit" mode. From there here are the controls. Arrow keys to rotate the object, right mouse click to tint/colorize your object. You can also change your walls and floors this way too! We hope you enjoy this update and keep coming back to Switchin.net

Feb 16, 2009

Switchin Virtual Pets Wins the Vote!

With over 47% of the vote, an overwhelming amount of you want PETS to be added as the latest great upgrade to our 3d online chat game. We have opened another vote for you to deciede what type of pet we put in there while we do the hard work behind the scenes to make this feature work. We hope you are going to like this update and in a few weeks you will be able to have your very own pet at Switchin!

Feb 10, 2009

Dragons MMO wins the vote!

With over 40% of the vote the users of Switchin.net have spoken! Dragons MMO will be the newest 3d game released from Switchin.net. We have created a brand new homepage for you to check out. Click here to see the new page. We want this MMO to be our best yet so we are taking game elements from Switchin, Birdz World and Beez Hive and combining it into one hopefully fantastic game. It will take us probably a month or two to develop this but we hope you will come back often as we will post updates regularly. Some cool features we have planned is 3d flying, user caves rooms, and the ability to "grow" your dragon.

January 14, 2009

Dragons MMO in the lead

It seems like Dragons will be the next MMO we create here at Switchin.net. The poll closes in 27 days so hurry up and cast your vote. Make sure to tell all your friends as well.


January 2nd, 2009

Beez Hive released!

Beez Hive is released!!! Play it now!

December 31st, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone! A new MMO release!

Happy New Year everyone and we would like to thank you for helping make Switchin.net a success story! We have a brand new MMO coming out in the next few days called Beez Hive and we hope you enjoy it!

Monday December 22nd, 2008

Birdz World Launches!

We are proud to announce the launch of our brand new Birdz World MMO! Please check it out and let us know what you think! You can fly around the city and collect coins or cherries or just fly around with some of your friends! We hope you enjoy it.

November18, 2008

Switchin.net Christmas Game Update!


Hi again everyone! Here at Switchin.net we are excited to give you a sneak peek at our Christmas update that will be coming in the next week or so. As well everyone will have access to new holiday Christmas hats so we hope you enjoy them and tell your friends to come and visit Switchin.net!

October 8th, 2008

Switchin.net Halloween update!

Hi everyone. Switchin.net has been busy preparing the latest 3d level for our free chat game. Now there is a scary Haunted House to hang out with your friends and enjoy the Halloween holidays! We have also have made some free costumes available to enjoy for both boys and girls. You can also tint your character all the colors of the rainbow now for the month of October. We hope you enjoy!


September 20th, 2008

Switchin.net releases user accounts + free user rooms!

We have been busy at work releasing a brand new game feature and the ability to save your character through an account on Switchin.net. For every account you open, you will receieve a free user room and 50 free credits to purchase some new ingame clothes for both boys and girls.

To receive more credits, the only way you can earn more is to refer a friend to make an account. For every successful referal you make, you earn 10 credits! Please stay tuned for more updates soon, and a very special Halloween update to Switchin!


July 1st, 2008

Switchin.net releases its new underwater chat MMO DiveIn


We are proud to announce we have released a brand new underwater chat mmo that is free for everyone to play. We have lots of choices for the users to play around and have fun and encourage everyone to try out the new game! Enjoy the Coral Reef location or the Ocean Floor where you can swim really fast! Explore the hidden caves and meet some new friends online at DiveIn Chat MMO!


April 3, 2008

Switchin.net makes its debut on GirlsGoGames.co.uk!


We have seen a ton of new Switchin`ers thanks to a front page link on GirlsGoGames.co.uk. Over 5000 people Switched In as a result. A big thanks to Martine who was responsible and a huge help to all of us here at Switchin.net. We have 6 more emoticons coming, and more accesories (halos, devil horns, tiaras!). Stay tuned as we are adding more stuff every other day!


March 21, 2008

Emoticons added, new island environment added!


We have been steadily adding new features to our free 3d chat program. We have added moe dress up avatar customization features. As well we have a new bunch of fun emoticons added that show up for everyone in the room to see. We also added a new 3d island! Please come back often to check the new features we have added!


March 08, 2008

Site launches for open alpha


We have (un)officially launched our 3d website chat program for public tests. Our chat program will be updated continually until we implement a few key features in the coming weeks and months.


First off, what we have available for you to try out is a full 3d chat experience that is happening all in your browser! You have the ability to check out the Cloud Courtyard location and the Dance Club. You can also fully customize your avatars, changing your appereance to give you thousands upon thousands of different varieties of style and colour. You can also goof off with some animated emoticon actions with your friends.


Secondly, what can you expect to see in the coming weeks of development? Our first big push is get each user their own private customizable room! You will be able to change your user room to any a variety of colours and designs. Also we plan on adding a friends list soon so you can check when your friends are online! As well we will be continually adding new clothing and accessories periodically so check back often! We'd like to encourage you to put any other ideas or suggestion on our contact form

If you need to reach the Switchin staff with a question or have any problems use this contact form below.

Remember the following from the Terms of Use

If you have questions please read our Privacy Policy


1. Switchin.net is not intended for users under the age of 13 without adult supervision

2. You must not use any language or choose a Player Name which may be considered by others to be offensive, racist or obscene.

3. You must not use the chat to harass, threaten, scam or deceive other players.

4. You must NOT tell other players personal information, not even if they claim to be staff of Switchin.net

5. You must not tell anyone your real name, email address, home address, messenger handle or phone number.

6. You must not choose a Player Name that impersonates Switchin.net staff or other users, or which is deliberately confusing. 

7. Chatting of a sexual nature or “cybering” is strictly forbidden in any of the games on Switchin.net.

We cannot guarantee that chat messages will not contain content that is inappropriate or offensive


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E-mail address:



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